Keeping your Business LinkedIn

Social media has become a part of everyday life so it only makes sense that it becomes a part of everyday business. Businesses are finding that using LinkedIn as a part of their marketing plan is a great way to accomplish their company's goals. Whether it is recruitment, brand awareness, or just to keep up with current trends using LinkedIn along with a solid marketing plan from your local marketing agency New Bern is the way to go.
In these crazy times known as the "Great Resignation", recruiting has become a foremost thought on the minds of business owners. LinkedIn's built-in recruiter gives your business access to engage with 1.6 million professionals daily. Using LinkedIn, you can target specific professionals and candidates with ads designed to grab their attention and apply for your open position. These targeting tactics allow you to focus on things such as company industry, location, and job title. You can also directly target employees of company's in your same field. Using a strategic targeting plan from a marketing agency New Bern, you can design your campaign to provide you with qualified candidates in no time.
Brand Awareness
As with other social media platforms, LinkedIn is the perfect place to share news and updates about your business, ultimately gaining further brand awareness for your company. There are over 750 million professionals on LinkedIn. This gives your business the opportunity to get your name in front of potential leads, members of industry organizations, and employee candidates easily. To reach these audiences your business can:
- Post industry-specific content: for example a marketing agency posts a blog about a new marketing tactic
- Interact with groups in the same Industry: for example marketing agency New Bern in a marketing group)
- Interact with your own employees: engage and share a professional post by an employee
- Use LinkedIn advertising: create a curated ad with targeting tactics in mind to speak on upcoming initiatives of the business
Using LinkedIn with Viamark of New Bern
At Viamark, marketing agency New Bern, we use the latest and most effective marketing platforms including LinkedIn for advertising your business. Our creative thought process is unmatched, and we can guarantee to help set your business apart and be the most relevant in its industry. Our campaigns and strategies are based on proven results, and we understand every business is unique and requires a different approach. If you're struggling with marketing your business or finding your target audience, Viamark Advertising can help you. Contact us today or visit our website for more information regarding our services.