Mobile Marketing & The Best Time To Market To Users

The Mobile Marketing Age
Digital audiences are more mobile than ever before in today’s world. As personal mobile users rise at a rapid rate, we see mobile content strategies change constantly. Mobile marketing is the art of marketing your business to appeal to mobile device users. When done correctly, mobile marketing provides customers with personalized, time and location sensitive information so they can get what they need at the right time, on the go.
The Best Time to Engage Users On Their Devices
This is among the findings in a study aimed at understanding when consumers are most receptive to mobile advertising. By physical state, consumers are most attentive to mobile content when relaxed (74%), when looking for something to do (68%), when full of energy (34%) and when ready to sleep (26%), based on the survey of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by Aki Technologies.As consumers remain continually online no matter where they are, how open they are to advertising can vary depending on what they’re doing at the time. For mobile ads, the majority of consumers are most receptive while at home watching TV. Here are the moments when consumers are most receptive to mobile advertising, according to the survey:
- 59% -- At home watching TV
- 51% -- In bed before sleep
- 36% -- Eating a meal
- 25% -- Shopping at a store
- 24% -- While exercising
- 21% -- Running errands
In addition to what they’re doing at the time, there are other factors that motivate consumers to pay attention to an ad on their smartphone. In general, brand familiarity leads the way (54%), followed by interesting creative (52%), good timing (41%) and a brand coupon (41%)
iOS vs. Android User Engagement Hours
When marketing to iOS users, it’s better to focus on the afternoon hours from [4-7] and the evening hours of [7-10 p.m.] to run engagement campaigns. Users are more active than normal between those hours. For Android users, it is best to focus on afternoon and evening hours when engagement is relatively higher. Start your campaigns around 11 a.m. and ending them after 11 p.m., when engagement rate drops below average.
iOS vs. Android Weekly Engagement
iOS users are very busy during the week, so it’s probably best to focus on the weekends or later in the day to target the iOS demographic. On Fridays, IOS users are less active on their phone than the rest of the weekend so reducing spend on that particular day is wise. However, Android users are always on, except during the weekend. Focusing on weekday engagement campaigns for these users is best. Mondays are the best days since Android users tend to have higher engagement on that particular day.
How Can Viamark New Bern Help You?
The New Bern office of Viamark Advertising delivers award winning advertising campaigns with a strong marketing backbone. Our vast national resources and unique business model allows local and regional businesses in Eastern North Carolina to utilize the same quality advertising services that a national advertiser would expect from an ad agency. With our years of experience in digital and traditional marketing, we can help you create an excellent mobile advertising campaign for optimal user engagement. Contact Us today and one of your experienced campaign coordinators will speak to you about our services.