The New is Old Again...
You have your web-presence, your social media presence; you twitter, flitter and scurry about with all your digital connections. Bing this, Google that, I-Pad, smart phones, SEO, SEM, PPC...and so on. Today, there exist two distinctly different advertising cultures. Traditional and Digital. Both of these marketing realms have been universes unto themselves, and never the two shall meet. After all, the majority of people in Digital seem to have a disdain for all things traditional. Many digital firms actually don’t understand why any well educated client would spend a single dime on this antiquated, advertising relic we call traditional. No one listens to radio, or watches TV on a TV anymore… Right? Here’s the rub. Traditional is not dead, and it still propels brands like no other medium can. So, here’s the idea we have developed to help our client family propel their digital efforts. We experimented by using traditional advertising platforms to drive digital marketing efforts. We call this merging of Traditional and Digital platforms Tradigital. With Tradigital, you can put your digital advertising efforts on steroids. Mixing traditional media with digital marketing initiatives creates exponential growth for digital marketing platforms. So while some digital companies proclaim to have all the answers, and foster the notion that traditional marketing is dead, just nod your head and smile, knowing this truth; Traditional is alive and well. For digital firms, traditional is a foreign enigma, and that’s OK. The new kids on the block can’t understand it all. Leave it to the relics, and dinosaurs of the advertising world to tie it all together for you. We’ve known this truth for decades, “your advertising works best, when your advertising platforms work together.” When it comes to growing your digital marketing success, the new is old again. ~Mark