Top 10 Double - Secret Unknown Facts About Advertising

There's a lot of talk about how online advertising and DVR is affecting the reach and success of television advertising and viewership. Here are some interesting statistics. Some may surprise you, but even taken with a "grain of salt" they still offer some clarity and insight to help with big picture planning. Courtesy of the Ad Contrarian...
- 99.9% of people who are served an online display ad do not click on it.
- TV viewership is now at its highest point ever.
- 96% of all retail activity is done in a store. 4% is done on line.
- DVR owners watch live TV 95% of the time. 5% of the time they watch recorded material.
- 99% percent of all video viewing is done on a television. 1% is done on line.
- The difference in purchasing behavior between people who use DVRs to skip ads, and those who don’t: None.
- Since the 1990s, click-through rates for banner ads have dropped 97.5%.
- Since the introduction of TiVo, real time TV viewing has increased over 20%.
- Baby boomers dominate 94% of all consumer packaged goods categories. 5% of advertising is aimed at them.
- TV viewers are no more likely to leave the room during a commercial break than they are before or after the break.
See The Ad Contrarian for Sources